Activity: Myths and legends

6:15 pm 7:15 pmThe “Myths and Legends” activity takes place at our Ekionkiestha’ National Longhouse. The longhouse, a dwelling of the Iroquoian people built entirely of wood and bark and heated with three fires, provides a magical setting for this exceptional immersive experience.
Rooted in oral tradition, “Myths and Legends” activities have always been part of Indigenous culture. The “Myths and Legends” activities offer you an experience inspired by ancient traditions! In the heart of the Ekionkiestha’ National Longhouse, in the glow of a fire, with an Indigenous storyteller: this setting has everything you need for a unique, authentic, and above all magical experience. The stories will address several important Indigenous cultural notions. The storytellers will shed light on the culture of the Huron-Wendat Nation from a completely different angle by telling you about the creation of Mother Earth and the Pleiades and other myths that shaped their childhood. These evenings are suitable for both children and adults.
Available nightly in English or French, by reservation.
Minimum of two people.
Reserve now!
Package recommendation:
The “Myths and Legends” activity is also offered in all our overnight longhouse packages. This night of unusual accommodation is equally suitable for families, couples, groups of friends, and school groups. This immersion in the Iroquoian ways of life will be unforgettable memories of your stay in Wendake. The Overnight in a Longhouse package includes:
• One night in the Ekionkiestha’ National Longhouse;
• Our popular “Myths and Legends” activity;
• The services of a fire warden who takes care of your dreams and the fire throughout the night;
• A room at the Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations for modern convenience;
• Sleeping bag;
• Access to the swimming pool*;
• Breakfast at Restaurant La Traite; and
• Service charge.
Overnight stays are offered in both summer and winter. The sleeping bags provided are planned according to the temperature.
*COVID-19: To ensure your safety in a pandemic context, the swimming pool is only accessible by reservation. This is mandatory for your family and, if available, gives you exclusive access to the pool for a period of 45 minutes. The fitness room adjacent to the swimming pool is currently closed.
Reserve now.
Activity recommendation:
Do you want to discover the longhouse in another way and learn more about the lifestyles of the pre-contact era, Huron-Wendat culture, and its heritage? This is what the Esk8entesa Discovery Tour offers. In addition to the Ekionkiestha’ National Longhouse, you’ll visit several places that are part of Huron-Wendat cultural heritage in addition to the permanent and temporary exhibitions of the Huron-Wendat Museum.
This package is adapted to the pandemic context and allows a visit in complete safety.